1. Who we are

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce ("LSSI), we hereby inform you that the website with URL www.managementsolutions.com (the "Website" or the "Site") is owned and managed by GMS Management Solutions, SL ("MS" or “Management Solutions”, used interchangeably), with tax identification code B-83509307, registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, Volume 18,271, File 219, Section 8, Sheet M-316664, with registered office in Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso 1, Torre Picasso, 28020, Madrid (Spain). 

You can find out more about MS and how to contact us by visiting the "Where we are" section on our Website. 

2. Content of Legal Notice

2.1 Acceptance of the Legal Notice 

This Legal Notice regulates the use of services that MS offers Internet users through its Website.

Access to and use of the Website by the user (hereinafter the "User") implies that User fully accepts and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use and in the Website’s Privacy Policy. Please click if you would like to access said Privacy Policy. The user must accordingly read these Terms of Use with care every time he or she intends to use the Website, since both the Site and its terms of use may be modified.

Additionally, MS offers the User a number of services through its Website, some of which are: (i) information about the various services offered by MS; (ii) regular MS publications; (iii) information on events; (iv) information on careers with MS. The use of these services may be subject to conditions or special instructions that must be accepted by the User and that replace, complete and/or modify these Terms of Use as indicated in each specific case. 

2.2 Terms of the Website Use

Access to our Website is free except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the service provider the User might have engaged. Services are provided by MS at the price stated in the corresponding proposal for services, and are never provided through the Website.

The User agrees not to use the Website for fraudulent purposes, and not to carry out any conduct that may damage the image, interests and rights of MS or third parties. The User also agrees not to take any action intended to harm, disable or overload our Website, or in any way impede its normal use and operation.

The User is informed that, in the event of breach of the contents of these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy or any other terms and conditions contained in our Website, MS reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate the User’s access to the Website by adopting any technical measures that may be necessary for this purpose. Also, MS reserves the right to take such measures in the event that it reasonably believes the User is in breach of any of the terms and conditions contained in the above instruments.

We hereby inform the User that MS reserves the right to at any time decide on the continuation of the services provided through its Website.

Finally, we inform the User that MS reserves the right to limit the User’s access to certain areas of the Website (professional areas), in which case the User would need to register by providing the required information and choosing an identifier and password that the User would need to safeguard and use diligently.

2.3 Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual property rights over the Website’s content layout (sui generis right over the database), its graphic design (look & feel), underlying computer programs (including source code), and the various elements comprised in the Website –graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, etc. (hereinafter the "Content"), are held by MS or its licensors. Proprietary rights over the distinctive signs included in the Website (trademarks and trade names) are held by MS or its licensors.

The use of the Website by the User does not imply the assignment of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the Website, Content and/or distinctive signs of MS. To such effect, through these Terms of Use, except in  those cases in which this is permitted by law or upon prior authorization in writing from MS, the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly disclosing, providing, extracting and/or reusing the Website, its Content and/or the distinctive signs of MS.

2.4 Links Policy

2.4.1 Establishing links to the Website

Establishing links to the Website is prohibited, unless it has been previously authorized in writing by MS. In any case, once the link has been authorized by MS, it must be established as follows:

  • The link will only be to the Website’s home page.
  • The link may not consist of frames that permit the Website to be viewed through Internet addresses other than those of the Website or that in any other manner show the Website information together with that included in other websites.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements shall be made of our Website and/or MS in the website where the link is introduced (hereinafter the “Linked Site").
  • Under no circumstances will the authorization given by MS mean that it: (i) sponsors, collaborates, verifies or monitors the content and/or the services provided through the Linked Site; or (ii) is responsible for the content of the Linked Site.
  • The Linked Site shall fully comply with the Law and may not under any circumstances host own or third party content that: (i) is unlawful, harmful or contrary to morality and decency (pornographic, violent, racist, etc .); (ii) induces or could induce the User to falsely believe that MS endorses, backs, adheres to or otherwise supports the ideas, statements or expressions of the sender, whether legal or illegal; and (iii) is inappropriate or not relevant to the activity of MS.

In the event of breach of any of the terms set out above, MS shall proceed immediately and without prior notice to the removal of the link.

2.4.2 Linked Sites

To help the User find additional information, we have included various technical links that allow the User to access other websites (hereinafter the "Linked Sites"). In these cases, MS acts as an intermediation services provider, pursuant to Article 17 of the LSSI. In accordance with the provisions of this legislation, MS shall not be responsible for services and content provided through the Linked Sites, unless it has actual knowledge of their illegality and has not deactivated the link with the diligence that is due.

Under no circumstances will the existence of the Linked Sites involve recommendation, promotion or agreement by MS with the statements, content or services provided by the Linked Sites. Consequently, MS cannot be held responsible for the content of the Linked Sites or their terms of use and privacy policies, and the User is solely responsible for checking them and accepting them each time he or she accesses and uses them.

If the User considers that the Linked Sites contain unlawful, noxious, denigrating, violent or inadequate content, he or she may report this to MS at the following e-mail address:  legal@managementsolutions.com

2.5 Notice of unlawful or inadequate activities

If the User or any other Internet user becomes aware that any kind of information or content provided through the Website is unlawful, infringes third-party rights, contravenes these Terms of Use or is, in any other manner, noxious or contrary to ethics or customary practice, he or she may contact MS at the following email address: legal@managementsolutions.com, providing:

  • Personal details of the person reporting the information: name, address, phone number and email address.
  • Description of the facts that reveal the illegal or inappropriate nature of the content or information as well as the specific website address in which it is available.
  • In the event of infringement of third party rights, including intellectual and industrial property rights, the details of the holder of the rights infringed shall be provided when the holder is not the person reporting the infringement. The sender must provide the title certifying ownership of the rights infringed and, if applicable, his or her capacity to represent the holder when the holder is a person other than the sender.

Receipt by MS of the notice contemplated in this clause will not imply, pursuant to the LSSI, its actual knowledge of the activities and/or content stated by the sender, unless this is obvious or evident. In any case, MS reserves the right to suspend or remove content that, although not unlawful, contravenes these Terms of Use, weighing in each case the legal rights in dispute.

2.6 Liability of MS 

The User needs to be aware that notices through open networks are exposed to a number of threats that make them unsafe. It is the responsibility of the User to adopt all adequate technical measures to reasonably control such threats and, among them, to have updated systems for the detection of malicious software such as viruses, Trojans, etc., and to have security patches for the corresponding browsers updated. For more information, the User may approach their respective Internet Access Services Provider who may provide  solutions appropriate to the needs. MS does not accept any liability for loss and damage caused to the User due to risks inherent in the means used and those caused by vulnerabilities of its systems and tools. Neither does MS warrant the absolute security of its systems nor, although it has adopted adequate security measures, may the existence of vulnerabilities be totally ruled out, therefore the User must act carefully when interacting with the Website.

MS will only be liable for damage caused by using the Website when such damage is caused directly by willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of MS and no negligence existed on the part of the User. 

Specifically, MS will under no circumstances be liable for:

  • Loss and damage of any kind caused to the computer equipment of the User by viruses, worms, Trojans or any other malware;
  • Loss and damage of any kind caused to the User due to failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service during its provision. In this respect, the User recognizes that access to the Website requires services supplied by third parties that are beyond the control of MS (such as, for example, telecommunication network operators, access providers, etc.) for whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation MS is not responsible, neither does MS have responsibility for the availability of the service;
  • Indirect, unforeseen, special or accidental damage, including loss of profits, income or data, suffered by any of the parties or by a third party.
  • Third-party data in those cases in which it acts as intermediation services provider within the meaning of the LSSI, other than in those cases in which it has actual knowledge and has not removed the information in question.

The information provided by MS through the Portal does not in any way constitute a professional opinion or advisory service, being the Portal's sole purpose to provide the User with general information obtained from public data without MS assuming any responsibility for the veracity, accuracy and currency of said information. MS is not responsible for the decisions taken based on the information provided on the Website, since the contents of the Website are of a general nature and do not constitute the provision of a consulting service of any kind, therefore such information is insufficient for professional or business decision making by the User.

2.7 Data protection

As set forth in section 2.1 of these Terms of Use, all issues related to the processing of personal data of the User due to the use of the Website are regulated in the Privacy Policy, and in the legal texts attached to the various data collection forms contained in the Website.

2.8 Miscellaneous

If any of the provisions of this Legal Notice is declared null, it will be removed or replaced. In any event, such statement of nullity will not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use.